
Showing posts from October, 2013

The Vanishing Act

It must be nice to disappear, to have a vanishing act... To always be looking forward and never looking back... How nice it is to disappear, Float into a mist, With a young lady on your arm... From his The Raven album. And here is the touching ending of the best article after Lou Reed: " In the 1971 anthology “No One Waved Good-bye: A Casualty Report on Rock and Roll” (edited by Robert Somma), Reed wrote, anent his job, “It simply requires a very secure ego to allow yourself to be loved for what you do rather than who you are, and an even larger one to realize you are what you do. The singer has a soul but feels he isn’t loved off stage. Or, perhaps worse, feels he shines only on stage and off is wilted, a shell as common as the garden gardenia. But we are all common as snowflakes, aren’t we?” That was Lou, gardenia and snowflake, so many varieties of common as to be...

Field Notes: Pompeii

"So we go inside and we gravely read the stones All those people, all those lives Where are they now? With loves, and hates And passions just like mine They were born And then they lived And then they died It seems so unfair I want to cry Cemetry Gates - The Smiths " 15.10.2013 - Pompeii (*) Link to Youtube Video

Midem Bulandırıcı Seksizm

Gezi olaylarından birgün önce'daki değişim ile ilgili bir yazı yazmıştım (link: ). Uzun süredir girmediğim siteye yeniden girdim. Kendi sunucusu ile iligili bir haberi sunuş şekilleri bu siteye bir daha girmememe kararı aldıracak kadar mide bulandırıcıydı. Yetiş ya Solanas (link: )!

Eine Enthüllende Tautologie Dass die Autorin es für nötig hält, diesen Satz am Anfang ihres Artikels zu äußern, spricht viel darüber, warum diese ekelhaften Taten immer noch in Deutschland stattfinden können: Das Unfasslichste im Leben von Eltern ist der Tod des eigenen Kindes. Diese Wahrheit gilt für alle Menschen, gleich welcher Herkunft, welcher Hautfarbe und Nationalität und welchen Alters. Schade, dass es immer noch viele anständige, Spiegel lesende Leute gibt, die daran erinnert werden müssen, dass es unerfassliche Weh tut, wenn ein Mensch sein Kind verliert...  

Walser is my hommie

First time I read Gabriel Garcia Marquez, it stroke a chord in me. It was as if the person I wanted to be in secret was out there doing the talking for me. When I first read Kafka, I felt that Kafka was to Garcia Marques, what Garcia Marquez to me. It would be a stretch to take this one step further with Robert Walser and Kafka, but it is no secret that Kafka read out Walser loud and laughed his guts out, and the first few pages of Geschwister Tänner struck a chord in me too. His life story is very interesting and sad at the same time. He spent a great deal of time in Weimarer Berlin, sitting in the Cafés and Bars, meticulously observed and wrote about the "creative" types there, something that I wish I had the time for when I was in Berlin. One time he went to a private school to become a butler. In the end, he was sent to the mental hospital, where he devised his own writing style and wrote what the experts now call his Micrographs, that contain stories fittin...