
Showing posts from May, 2013

Someday, that day may never come...

Genelkurmay'ın direktifi ile Mehmet Ali Birant'ı servis haberlerle bir anda terörist ilan eden basından ne kadar midem kalktıysa alkol yasaklarının gündemde olduğu günlerde aşağıdaki haberi ( ) manşet geçen NTV de o kadar midemi kaldırdı: Birisi içki masasında bir cinayeti itiraf ediyor. Ne suç işlenirken, ne azmettirilirken içki yok işin içinde. 4 Milyarlık Galataport ihalesini 700 milyon dolara alan bir holdingin haber portalı ise bu haberin Türkiye'ye sunduğu en önemli 8 haberden biri olduğunu düşünüyor. Aklıma ne geldi: VITO CORLEONE (after Bonasera kisses his hand) Some day, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But uh, until that day -- accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day.

Curious Cases of Banana, Rhubarb and Işgın

Contrary to what creationists want you to think ( Banana: The Atheists' Nightmare ), the delicious starch cubes once looked like this: Thanks to a thousand years of best Genetic Modification by small farmers, the seeds were gone. As a result, all the bananas you eat are more or less the fruits of the same plants, which have been asexually produced over and over again. I came across a similar case of wild origins of a well-known European plant in my recent visit to Erzurum. Favorite of pie-makers across the western world, Rhubarb looks clean and nicely shaped like this: Virtually unknown in western Turkey, the wild cousin, or perhaps ancestor of Rhubarb is known as Işgın in Eastern Turkey: To close the this curious circle, the Wild Rhubarb is known as the Mountain Banana in Eastern Turkey.

No to Gatsby or “I can’t even hear myself think.”

This ( ) is the most fitting review in my opinion of the movie otherwise known as Luhrman's Great Gatsby, or as Mireille Silcoff calls it aptly: a book which has, over the years, seemed to subtly presage the state of America in a slightly different way every decade; a book which Luhrmann has here reduced to the depth of blingy video game. For a more respectful homage to F. Scott Fitzgerald and cinema here's The Ballad of a Thin Man from I'm Not There with Cate Blanchete as Dylan: