
Showing posts from December, 2010

Astrology is...

... bullshit. And Susan Miller is a charlatan. Meet Susan Miller. According to the one of the most serious Turkish news portal -arguably-, she's a world famous astrologist. She visited Turkey, and made the prophecy that something incredible was to happen on 21. December 2010. Considering the rate with which big news stories are fabricated/happen in Turkey, a more interesting prophecy would have been that there would be nothing serious on that day. But lets leave this aside. This vague prophecy, that something big will happen in Turkey on 21. December made the mainstream news. Result? I guess you knew, just as I did, what the result would be on the day she made the prophecy. I still didn't want this to go unnoticed. Links to this post:

Best commentary on Wikileaks so far

A Taiwanese TV station is famous for producing video animations of the top news almost instantly. This one about the Wikileaks is among the best commentaries on Wikileaks I came across:

Those who doubt and those who believe

"-You unbeliever, You, who dared to doubt the Son of God, You are sentenced, You must now feel his blood, His flesh and his gut." He, who dared to doubt the Son of God, Has his fingers in that sacred cut, And the unbeliever, the doubter, At this holy sight,he cannot look at. "-Their eyes, their eyes, Of those without the courage to doubt, Are so vicious, and are filled with doubt, My trembling fingers, It's what they are looking at, And not the Son of God " I went to the Gemäldegalerie 2 weeks ago. I was lucky to experience four more Caravaggio paintings, since there was a Caravvagio exhibition. The painting that touched me the most was "The Incredulity of Saint Thomas." The story is like this:After the resurrection of the Christ, Thomas the Apostle doubts that Christ was raised from the death. Christ makes him touch his still open crucification wounds, to convince him. For me what is shining out of this painting is not the inc...

Kinski der Große

Die deutsche Sprache hat einen schlechten Ruf unter deren, die die nicht verstehen oder sprechen können. Während Französisch als die Sprache der Liebe gilt, gilt Deutsch in der türkischen Popkultur als die Sprache der Pornofilmen. "Hans, Du bist meine Lokomotive" ist ein Witz unter den türkischen Männern, die ihre sexuelle Aufklärung den deutschen Softpornofilmen schulden. Und die, die diese Filmen nicht gesehen haben, meinen, Deutsch sei sehr schreiend. Dank meiner ziemlich vorzeitigen Begegnung mit der deutschen Sprache durch Die Toten Hosen teilte ich diese Meinungen nie. Als ich nach Deutschland kam und versuchte diese Sprache zu lernen, merkte ich wie lebendig und spielerisch ich sie fand. Ich beneidete damals die kleine Kinder um ihre rollende R's. Dann habe ich die deutsche Hörbücher entdeckt, die mich faszinierten. Aber nichts hätte mich auf das Gedicht "Lästerzungen," gelesen von Klaus Kinski, vorbereiten können... Meine Interesse an Klaus Kinski ...