
Showing posts from May, 2010

Happy Towel Day!

DON'T PANIC, it is Towel Day today. Make sure you carry a towel with you, just in case...

he was much older then, he's younger than that now

A retired car mechanic married to the daughter of the last Aztec king, who then gave birth to an ill-tempered Russian Cossack, who ran away from the army of Napoleon on the way to Mozambique after falling in love with a Turkish nomads daughter in Agri. Their son was arrested in the Parisian student uprisings, for writing an obscene poem to the most beautiful French girl alive, and deported to Mobile, Alabama on a slave ship captained by a certain Colombus, who's name was not Colombus. After finding out that his father was not the Russian Cossack, but a communist in the name Woody Woodpecker, the son ran away from his family ranch in the northern woods, to the circus on the mouth of Hudson, to portray himself as a lonely lunatic with a message from a god, or some gods, whose name or names he couldn't remember. It might have been one of the Aztec gods, or some jealous one from the land of Galilee. Today its the birthday of this guy who is nobody, but everybody. Happy Birthday S...

When the God himself apperead...

... among us...

Darwin is everywhere

At the core of evolution lies the natural selection, which is an algorithm more than anything. There are many units that have different properties, which are distributed randomly in the beginning. All of them get to reproduce themselves, albeit with an efficiency that is related with the suitability of their inherited properties to the environment in which they are reproducing. It's all that simple. I'd like to share two possible applications of this algorithm in two widely separated, yet very interesting fields. Quantum Darwinism : It is a mystery, why the infinite number of ways a quantum states that a particle can be in manifests itself as a single classical state. In plain words, why don't we see two versions of ourselves in the mirror - until we look at the mirror, but that's another exciting story -, where as this may be the case for photons or atoms. One possible solution to this question invokes the natural selection algorithm a la Darwin. They postulate that th...

Tarih tekerrürden ibarettir

Julius Sezar'in buyuk yegeni Octavius üclü baskanlik sistemindeki rakiplerini tek tek egale ettikten sonra de fakto olarak tüm Roma topraklarina hükmediyordu. Ancak Roma anayasasi hala bir cumhuriyet anayasasiydi. Dolayisiyla Octavius'un bir sekilde kendi anayasa ustu gucunu senatoya kabul ettirmesi gerekiyordu. Bunun icin cok sinsi bir taktik uyguladi. Senato'nun aldigi kararlarin uygulanmasini engellerken, ote yandan tum guclerini Senato'ya iade eder gibi yapti. Bassiz bir tavuga donen Senato mecburen Octavius'a tüm yönetici yetkileri verdi. Senato'nun Cumhuriyetci kanadi muhalefetini artirdigi birkac yil sonra yine ayni oyunu oynadi Octavius. Secimlere kendi istegiyle katilmasa da, halk arasinda Senato'nun kendisini secimlere sokmadigi dedikodularini yaydi. Cikan isyanlardan cekinen Senato bir kez daha Octavius'a tüm yönetici yetkilerini verdi. Son kez yönetimde iken Roma'da aclik bas göstermesine yakin yine yönetici yetkilerini Senato'ya iad...

The coolest citation

[33] DYLAN , Bob. Blonde on blonde, record album produced by Bob Johnston, Columbia Records, New York, March 1966, Columbia C2S 841. Anyone who touched computer science territory knows Donald Knuth. In addition to being a founder of Complexity theory, he is also the author of the popular -even ubiquitous- Tex academic typesetting environment. He is also known for his professional humour. His paper on the use of once popular "go to" statements opens up with three quotations. One is a title of one of my favourite Dylan songs. "You will go your way, I'll go mine." This is by far the coolest citation I've read in a scientific paper.

Scottish Guitar Army

Scotland may not have its own proper army. No worries. Their guitar army rocks! And now, they are releasing a concert film in August. The best would be to drown yourself in noise in an actual concert, but watching this clip from the film, and imagining how it would sound in dolby surround sound, I think Mogwai in a cinema is the second best option... Mogwai - Mogwai Fear Satan from La Blogotheque on Vimeo .

Taksim'i siz vermediniz...

... bu yola bas koyanlar aldi. Korktukca tutsak, umut ettikce ozgursun blogundan resim. 32 yillik korkularin ne kadar bos oldugunun, siddetin halk degil devlet tarafli oldugunun ortaya ciktigi 1 Mayis 2010 gününden bir resim. Carsi grubunun kendine amblem sectigi Anarsizmin A'siyla bezeli bir pankart. Uzerinde "Taksim'i siz vermediniz, biz aldik" yaziyor. Taksim'i yeniden gercek sahibi olan emekcilere kazandiran insanlarla bir baglantim yok. O nedenle Besiktas'li olmam paydasini kullanip bir sahiplenmeye girecek degilim. Ancak soylemek istedigim sey, sistemin gün be gün insanlari gercek sorunlarindan soyutlayip, enerjilerini zararsiz akarsu yataklarlarina kanalize etmek icin kullanageldigi futbol taraftarliginin, hala politik olarak birseyler soylemek icin ortak payda olarak kullanilmasindan memnun oldugumdur. Gönül isterdi ki Nazim Hikmet'in takimi Fenerbahce'nin, Türkiye'de Futbolcular sendikasi kurmak icin emek veren Metin Kurt'un takimi Ga...