
Showing posts from December, 2009

Happy Festivus

We wish you a happy Festivus, We wish you a happy Festivus, We wish you a happy Festivus, And a happy New Year!

Evolution in action

via Pharyngula : This is übercool. Researchers from American Museum of Natural History first profile the hydrological features of the Lower Congo River. They find out that there are canyons which are hundreds of meters deep. These canyons are separated from each other via strong currents. So for a fish getting in one of them there is almost no way out. They then collect fish of the same species - where species is defined from the way they look - from different canyons. They analyze their DNA, and they see that evolution is in action, and the difference in their genome sequences correlate with their geographical location. Speciation has not started, but it is on the brink of starting. This is my friends, Evolution in action.

Winter is here

Reminds me of my love and that lovely Dylan song: On a night like this I can't get any sleep, The air is so cold outside And the snow's so deep. Build a fire, throw on logs And listen to it hiss And let it burn, burn, burn, burn On a night like this. Let the four winds blow Around this old cabin door, If I'm not too far off I think we did this once before. There's more frost on the window glass With each new tender kiss, But it sure feels right On a night like this.

Meet Mr. Obama, Nobel Peace Prize laureate

Jeffrey Sachs is Professor of Economics and Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He writes regularly in Scientific American on Global Warming and ecology. I recommend everyone who wants to make sense out of the Copenhagen Farce to read his essay on Project Syndicate.

Türkiye'de Irkcilik Yoktur - Kisim IV

Bu sefer ben degil, Radikal'de Oral Calislar yazmis. Turkiye'de linc girisimlerinin kisa tarihi:

Kopenhagen Farce and Self-Healing Atmosphere

Here is a jolly news from Copenhagen: Denmark's Lars Lokke Rasmussen called late-night talks with a group of 26 influential world leaders on how to unblock negotiations. "We discussed how we can make progress and we had a very fruitful, constructive dialogue... for almost two hours," he told reporters. 26 leaders, almost two hours. 4.5 minutes for each leader. That's more than enough time to agree on a climate deal. I wonder whose idea it was, and if they really thought that it could work, to get heads of states together and expect them to reach an agreement. There is empirical evidence, that a committee ceases to function if it grows larger than 20 members . I had no trust in this Copenhagen farce. What infuriates me is not the deadlock that the talks are in. It's rather this naive belief -rooted in religion, or delusion of self-importance- that the earth's atmosphere is some magical self-healing system. "Nature" would heal itself. This new-age bu...

Turkiye'de Irkcilik Yoktur - Kisim III

Karni desilen hamile kadinlar, baltayla kesilen kafalar... Modern zamanlarin soykirimi Ruanda'da, Sudan'da olur bunlar sanardim. 30 sene onceye gitmek yeterliymis. Ortami geren her taraftaki siyasetcilerin, insanlara ozgurlugu cok gorerek bu siyasetcilere pirim veren vatandaslarin unutmamasi gereken goruntuler. Ülkesini seven, aydinlik bir gelecek isteyen her gencin sormasi gereken bir soru: 1978'de Maras'ta neler oldu?

Kapatin kapatin

Bir parti Dersim katliamini yüceltsin, Öteki parti partinizi kapatsin, Adini Kürt Isci Partisi koymus teroristler haince pusu kursun, Yurdumun Kürt vatandaslari ne yapsin? Kapatmadik parti birakmayin. Eliniz degmisken otoriter özgürlükler-militer demokrasilerin partisi CHP'yi, hos laf bos icraat partisi AKP'yi, dar agaclarindan sorumlu MHP'yi de kapatin. Kuzey Irlanda Sinn Fein'siz cozuldu cunku.

Words of Wisdom

"We sit here stranded, though we're all doin' our best to deny it." Bob Dylan - Visions of Johanna "Forget your perfect offering, There is a crack, a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in. " Leonard Cohen - The Anthem "And nothing's forever not even five minutes When you're headed for the finish line" Lou Reed - Finish Line "Savaslar birbirine benzer, Kazanan olmaz, Kazandigini sanma, Kaybettiklerine bak biraz" "All wars are alike, There is no victor, Don't think you've won, On your losses should you ponder. " Bülent Ortacgil - Biraz Umut Ver "Ölümle yasami ayiran o cizgi, Siyahla beyazi ayiramaz ki" "That line separating death and life, Cannot separate black and white." Besiktas Supporters - Football Chant

Türkiye'de Irkcilik Yoktur - Kisim II

Ankara'da DTP binalarına saldırı. kaynak: Ayni haberi alalim, oyunculari degistirelim. Yer Berlin olsun, molotof kokteyli atilan, kursunlanan bina Turk konsoloslugu, ya da atiyorum Berlin Türkiyemspor lokali olsun. Haber basliklarini dusunun. Almanya'da Irkcilik, Nazizim hortladi. Hemen bir nota cekilir, tum siyasi partiler saf tutardi. Yanlis anlasilmasin, boyle birsey olsa yapilmasi gereken de bu olurdu. Bu olay karsisinda verdiginiz/verilen/verdigimiz tepkiyi bir de bu bakis acisiyla dusunun. Ama Türkiye'de irkcilik yoktur. Biz zencileri Cinlileri cok severiz degil mi?

Önce yemek, sonra ahlak

Aksama yine bir sampiyonlar ligi maci, kalplerde yine bir heyecan. Manchester zaferinden sonra Avrupa Ligi'ne devam etmek icin Центральный Спортивный Клуб Армии Москва'yi - Sentralni Sportivniyi Klib Armi Moskva- 1-0 ya da iki farkli bir skorla yenmemiz, Wolfsburg'un da ManU'ya yenilmemesini beklememiz gerekli. Tüm Besiktas'lilarin aklinda 2004-2004 sezonunda basimiza gelen Sparta Prag kazasi var. Sparta Prag'in Lazio'yu yenmemesi halinde gruptan ciktigimiz bir günde 90+2'de Peruzzi'nin armutlamasi ile elenmistik. Star TV'nin ekranin sag ust kosesindeki kutucuktan yayinladigi agir cekim görüntü, bir kac sene önce bir Galatasaray macinda Fevzi'nin ayaklarinin altindan kacirdigi geri pas ile yedigimiz golun görüntüsü ile her Besiktaslinin kalbine aciyla yazilmisti. Dilegimiz ManU macinda yanimizda olan Tanri 'nin yine yanimizda olmasi. Futbol'da sans faktörü diyelim ve Diyarbakir macina dönelim. Mactan önceki dileklerim gerceklesti ve t...

Hepimiz Kürt'üz!

Hrant Dink cenazesinde herkesin elindeki slogani herkes hatirlar. Hepimiz Hrant'iz. Ezilenin ile, bu trajik örnekte ise sokak ortasinda haince arkadan vurularak öldürlen ile empati kurmanin daha güzel bir anlatimini dusunemiyorum. Herseyi sahiplenme amacim yok, ama bu kalibi Türk kamuoyuna kazandiran Besiktas tribünleri idi. Kirmizi kart gösterdigi oyuncunun adini hatirlamayip, zenci arkadas diye gecistiren hakeme tepki olarak "Hepimiz Zenciyiz" pankartini asan Besiktas tribunleri idi. Eto Barcelona'da oynarken maruz kaldigi irkci tezahüratlar ardindan -Isvicre'de gerceklesen referandum ile iyice ayuka cikti Avrupa'daki irkcilik- "Hepimiz Eto'yuz" yazan yine Besiktaslilar oldu. Besiktas ile ic ice olan bir arkadasim "Hepimiz Hrant'iz" fikrinin yine bir Besiktaslodan ciktigini söylemisti o gün. Dogrulugunu kanitlayamam, ama yine de Besiktas taraftarinin irkcilik konusunda duyarliligi kanimca tartisilmaz. Is memleketin beyaz zencileri...

Tira mi su!

Tiramisu -which means pull me to heaven! in Italian- has become the staple desert in Italian restaurants abroad. I am not sure how popular it is among Italians, since it is a fairly new desert which was invented 30 years ago. But, the egg based cream called Zabaglione that gives the Tiramisu its taste has a history that dates back to at least 1600's. It has all the charachter of an Italian delicacy, simple and delicious when made with the correct ingredients. The Marsala Wine is the key. Let me share the recipe I use with you: Tiramisu