
Showing posts from November, 2009

Du treulos treuster Freund!

We are living in the information age, where you can listen to any tune that catches your mind almost instantly. It is easy to forget, that this is the reality of the last 5-10 years. Go a hundred years back, the opportunity to listen to a great composition was almost once in a life time. I can only imagine, how deep the craving could have been, to listen to a timeless tune. I have a certain tune in my mind when I am writing these lines. I was fortunate enough to listen and watch Wagner's Isolde and Tristan live couple of weeks ago. That haunting melody, that goes nowhere, but makes you hope and long for it to go somewhere has been in my mind ever since. I cannot tell you how grateful I am, to be living in this information age. Inspired by a middle age tale of two lovers' tragedy, the libretto covers a wide range of human suffering, the pain of love, the pain of betrayal, pain of hopelessness, pain of longing. What struck me the most was the pain of King Marke, who was betrayed ...

Happy Love Exists

There is something called happy love Originally uploaded by ACToker This is a banner from 3.5 years ago. It was hanged during the Fenerbahce game, at the end of the season, which gave us hope. If we had won, we would have been the leader. Unfortunately, we lost the game, and our season took a nosedive from that game on. This 2 weeks has been the opposite. Look at the results from our last games: Trabzonspor 0 - Besiktas 2: Trabzonspor is the only non-Istanbul team to win the championships. Away games in Trabzon are one of the toughest in the league. Besiktas 3 - Fenerbahce 0: If we had lost the game, the difference would have been 10 points. Fenerbahce was, and still is the current leader of the league. Manchester United 0 - Besiktas 1: Do I need to write more? Sivasspor 0 - Besiktas 1: Sivas were the runners-up from last season. They had the worst of starts to the season, but with the arrival of their new coach, they were looking to change that. We won after a commanding game. And my ...

Born Twins

Alban Berg - The romantic side of 12 Toners Oscar Wilde - The romantic social critic

With respect and passion in our eyes

In midst of the turbulence of writing my PHD thesis, and being involved with multiple projects three things give me the refuge I need: my girlfriend, my musical explorations and Besiktas. Tonight we are playing against Manchester United in the Champions League. It sounds weird to German ears, to use the "we" pronoun for a game in which I will not run or sweat, but that's how we see our football teams in Turkey. They are ours... The excitement is growing by the minute, and I am finding it hard to concentrate on my work. I need to externalize this excitement somehow. I will do it by recapturing one of my saddest, yet affirming football experiences I had. How I witnessed the record breaking 8-0 loss to Liverpool in Liverpool. It all started on the day the draws were announced. I was in Italy, in the beautiful mountain city of Trento. Looking at the draws, I knew I had to go and watch a game in Anfield, the historic and iconic stadium. It may have been a once in a life time o...

Seviyoruz DELI gibi...

Sehzade Ibrahim Pasa Padisah Deli Ibrahim Dün gece siir gibiydin Ibrahim, Birak biz seni yine de DELI bilelim. Barcelona, Cimbom ve Fener, Bu uc mac bize yetsin. Cünkü ben seni basini kaldirmadan, Sol kanatta kosarken sevdim. actoker

Kurabiye Fener

Derbi boyle olmali. Mac icinde mucadele olmali, dusenler kalkanlar olmali, goller olmali, arada bir karsi takima kufurlu olarak giydirilmeli, karsi takim cikar seni yenerse o takimi alkislayarak gondermeli. Mac sonunda oyuncular birbirine sarilmali, karsi takimdan dostlar aranip hal hatir sorulmali. Ideal derbi budur, buna en cok yaklasan ise Fener-Besiktas derbileridir. Hayatimizin bir parcasi olan küfürü en sanatsal sekilde toplumsal hafizamiza "Those were the days" melodili "Kurabiye Ye Fener" tezahurati ile Besiktas taraftari sokarken, 3-4'lük efsane macin sonrasinda Besiktas'lilari alkislayan Fenerbahce tribunu olmustur. Fink'in sadece bir Alman'a yakistirdigim teknik bilgi ile, Bobo'nun adeta basketbolda bir pivot gibi potaya, pardon kaleye arkasi donukken kivrak bir hareket ile donup attigi iki harika golun yanina ofsayttan bir 3. gol sikistirdik. Ibrahim Uzulmez kendisini neden sevdigimi mactan sonra verdigi roportajla bir daha anlatti ba...

Must be Santa - Or Dylan Pulls another Self Portrait on us

The Rolling Stones review read "What is this shit?" after Dylan released a hard to understand and listen to album in 1970 titled "Self Portrait." After 2 successful -perhaps the most successful in Rock History- Trilogies he was bored of the attention and the meaning people were putting to his songs. The album was a joke more than anything. After what might be called his new millenium trilogy - Time Out Of Mind, Love and Theft, Modern Time- and a very "pop" Together Through Life, Dylan pulled another Self Portrait at us. His new album is called Christmas at Heart and features the voice of generations sing songs of generations, the Christmas songs. All the artists' royalties are going to World Food Programme, helping the organization that feeds hungry children around the globe. My personal favorite from the album is the first single, with this delightful video which has Dylan in a wig, dancing, drinking and singing:

Tell me Franz K., how it all got started?

In my humble opinion, Kafka's Das Schloss is the best embodiment the human condition in the age we call modern. Coming from a land, who is trying to come in terms with its modernization project, it has been a constant intellectual quest for me to understand what modernity exactly means, and why of all the places it started in Europe. The classical explanations put almost all the time Europe in a special place. Modernism could only have started in Europe. And they choose a property of Europe of their ideological liking, and try to demonstrate it only existed in Europe. This is, in my opinion, a reversal of scientific method. So the lead essay in this months CATO Unbound discussion series by Stephen Davies a fresh wind in my face. It explains the modernity as an emergent phenomenon that is in some way contingent, rather than a result of Europe's special place. This also brings the question whether or not the term Western Civilization makes sense anymore.. I recommend this articl...

Atlama, dur Enke...

Robert Enke Almanya'ya özgü korkunc intahar yontemi hizli tren önüne atlayarak intihar etti. Kücük kizini 2 yasinda kaybettiginden beri kendine gelememisti Hannover'in delikanlisi. Dogdugum yil biten 15 yillik sampiyonluk cilesinden onceki son sampiyonlugun kahramanlarindan Besiktas kalecisi Sabri Dino da 1980lerde girdigi tekstil isinde buyuk borca girince Köprü'den atlayarak intihar etmisti. Hayat'in kalleslikleri futbol lugatindan "gol yemek" kalibiyla anlatilir alegorik olarak. Hayatlari gol yemek olan bu yalniz adamlari Vedat Özdemiroglu'nun siiri ile anmak isterim. Hayat kisa, sanat sonsuzdur cunku. bir numara (sabri dino anısına) fena geliyor top uç sabri dino sola vurur atla sabri dino dokuz numaraya dikkat aman sabri dino kalemizde ışıl ışıl canım sabri dino gönlümüzde ışıl ışıl atlama dur sabri dino Atlama, dur Enke... *Fotograf Enke'nin aktif olarak katildigi hayvan haklari koruma kampanyasindan. Kore'de insanlar icin pisirilmeden dövü...

Feeling Gansta Today

Best video game of all times vs. the best hip hop song of all times. A great combination.

Turkiye’de Irkcilik Yoktur

Yalan söyleyen bilir – ilk tasi yalan soylemeyen atsin-, bir kez bir yalan söyledin mi bunu gerceklerle ortusturmek icin yuz tane yalan söylemen gerekir. Insanlarin neden yalan soylemekten sikildiklarini, neden bunu ahlaksiz bulduklarinin aciklamalarindan biri budur. Bir yalan söyleyip, en onemli kaynagimiz olan aklimizi bu yalani saklamak icin gerekli olan 100lerce yalan icin kullanmak yerine, hic yalan soylememek insanlardaki dogustan gelen yalan söylerken rahatsiz olma ic güdüsünü acikliyor. Ben de, siz de, politikacilar da yalan söyleyince elde edecekleri yararla bu icgudunun arasinda gidip geliyor. Bir de bu isin toplumsal yonu var. Toplumdaki yerimiz, ozellikle diger insanlarin bizi guvenilir olarak gorup gormemesi bizim icin cok onemli. Bu nedenle yalanlarimizin ortaya cikmamasini istiyoruz, bunun icin daha once bahsettigim gibi yalan soylememek en akil kari yol oluyor. Yalniz bazen öyle bir nokta geliyor ki, – hayatimda hic yalan soylemedigimi idda edemem ama bu noktaya gelmedi...

In memoriam

"Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women." In memory of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the emancipator of Turkish Women.

Wolfsburg öncesi

Bu aksam oldugunda, Inönü doldugunda, Kartal'im Wolfsburg'a koydugunda, 8-0 gelecek aklima, Iyi ki oradaydim diyecegim kendi kendime, Ve yeniden asik olacagim siyaha beyaza.