
Showing posts from September, 2008

Besiktas Bayanlar Voleybol Takimi Balkan Sampiyonu

Kanimca oynanmasi ve izlenmesi en zevkli takim sporu voleyboldur. Voleybol'a geldiginde ise hem daha uzun oyunlara izin verdigi hem de sporcular arasinda en güzellerine yer verdigi icin bayanlar voleybolu bence en izlenesi spordur. Bu yil Besiktas'li kardeslerimi genelde Basketbol maclarindan önce yapilan bayanlar voleybol maclarini seyretmeye davet ediyorum. Bu yil ilk defa duzenlenen Balkan Kupasi'nda sampiyon olarak sezona haziriz mesaji veren takimizi kutluyorum.

Top 5 Alternative Albums from the 80s

80s are known for bad music, bad hair and bad clothes. Although I agree on the last two, I think the alternative music scene, especially in UK, was extremely productive, innovative and good. Being a categories guy, here are my top 5 Alternative Rock Albums from the 80s, without any particular order. Daydream Nation - 1988 - Sonic Youth Sonic Youth were influenced by the works of the avant garde composer Glenn Branca. Their early work were a little too noisy even for the alternative music scene. They found the perfect balance between being avant garde and being easily enjoyed in this album. Teenage Riot, Eric's Trip, Providence, and Triology are my favorite. Treasure - 1984 - Cocteau Twins Elisabet Fraiser's -one who sang Massive Atack's Teardrop- nearly unintelligible yet magical singing mixes with ethereal guitars of Robin Guthrie, to give the music of Cocteau Twins a dreamlike tone. This record is much harder than their other works, and reminds me slightly of Bauhaus. Ivo...

Like the deserts

A furniture shop in Hull long before Ikea filled up a complete floor with sample furnitures. There is model bedroom with everything, including a mannequin of a female in the bed. The price sign reads "Everything but the girl XX pounds." So did the English duo got their names. Another song that found new meaning. "Like the deserts miss the rain.

Zehirli Yilanlar, Kaygan Yilanbaliklari ve Harun Yahya

Richard Dawkins'in sitesi Harun Yahya takma adli Adnan Hoca'ya hakaret icerdigi gerekcesiyle Türk mahkemelerince Türkiye'de erisime kapatildi. Hicbir aciklama olmadigi icin asagidaki yazinin mi baska bir yazinin mi bu kapatmaya sebep oldugunu bilemiyorum. Sansür arkasinda gerceklerin örtülmemesi icin Richard Dawkins'in Harun Yahya'nin Yaratilis Atlasi adli komik kitabi ile ilgili yazisinin cevirisini yayinliyorum, bu blogu takip eden ve blog sahibi olan herkesten de aynisini yapmasini rica ediyorum. Zehirli Yilanlar, Kaygan Yilanbaliklari ve Harun Yahya Richard Dawkins - Ceviri Kutluhan Celik 2006 yilinda, Musluman Turk apolojist Harun Yahya tarafindan yazilmis, Atlas of Creation isimli kitabi, siparis vermemis olmasina ragmen, tamamen ucretsiz olarak posta kutusunda bulan dunya capinda onbinlerce bilim adamindan biri oldum. Onbir dilde yayimlanan kitabin tezi, evrimin yalan oldugu. Ana "kanit", her biri gunumuzdeki karsiliklari esliginde sayfa sayfa sunul...

Kazim Kanat'in Ardindan

Besiktasin cesur kalbi, Unutmayacagiz seni Kazim Abi! Uzun süren bir savastan sonra kansere yenik düstü demek istemiyorum. Tek cigerle, bagirsaklarinin yarisi alinmis bir sekilde son günlerini teknesinde hayatin keyfini cikararak gecirdi. Gittiyse isteyerek gitmistir. Ölümle yasami ayiran o cizginin, siyahla beyazi ayiramadigi gibi ölümün sevenleri ayiramayacagini bilerek gitmistir Kazim Abi. "Stat rosa pristina nomine; nomina nuda tenemus."

Leonard Cohen turns 74

My favorite Leonard Cohen album is Death of a Ladies' Man. The position of the apostrophe is key to the title, and makes all the difference. Cohen was never a ladies man, but a man of his ladies. In the 2006 documentary "I'm Your Man" he was asked about his fame as a ladies man. He said: "Calling me a ladies man is an insult to the thousands of nights I spent alone in my bed." Everyone should watch this great documentary to gain insight on this great poet of our time. He turned 74 two days ago. I am so excited, and feel privileged that I will watch this legend live in two weeks. Here is my favorite Cohen song, "Hey That's No Way To Say Goodbye" I'm even more happy now, that this song makes sense to me finally thanks to that someone special.


Önce "sanal devlet güvenceli" ev depoziti guvence sirketleri Freddie ve Fannie Mac kurtarildi, daha sonra Lehman Brothers piyasaya yanlis sinyal verilmemek icin kurtarilmadi ve iflas bayragi cekti, sira en buyuk sigorta sirketlerinden biri olan AIG'ye gelince ayni strateji uygulanamadi ve AIG dusuk fiyata kurtarildi. Butun bunlar yuzyilda bir gorulebilecek bir finansal krizin degisik yuzleri. Bu krizi belki de daha tehlikeli kilan ise son 20 senede bu tarz krizlerin etkilerini azaltmak icin gelistirilmis olan, ve kredi risklerini dagitmaya yarayan yeni finansal enstrümanlarin krizin etkilerini sinirlari olmayan finans dunyasinin en ucsuz bucaksiz koselerine dahi tasima kapasitelerinin olmasi... Kredi karti borclarinizin bile baska borclar ile paketlenip ikincil hatta ucuncul piyasalarda bankalar arasinda el degistirdigi bir finans dunyasinda Amerika'da teker teker devrilmeye baslayan domino taslarinin son yillarda yapisal reformlardan cok yabanci sermaye akisi ile ile...

Fundamentalism on all sides

There is no benefit from hiding the facts for the sake of political correctness. The scriptures of the three Abrahamic Religions include pieces that can be used to justify terrible acts of violence. Here is a piece from Deuteronomy 7, from the Old Testament: "When the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD's anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you." This is a mild excerpt. I invite interested reader to read more on Deuteronomy, especially what it suggests people to do, when one of their family members, in case they commit the ultimate "crime" of worshiping other gods. Here is a piece from Koran, Sura 9, Sentence 5: "So when the sac...

Rechtsstaat - Hukuk Devleti

Kita Avrupasi felsefesinde devletin sahip oldugu güc monopolisinin temellerini kurmak icin kullanilan üc kavram vardir. Anglosakson'lar "rule of law," Fransizlar "primauté du droit," ve Almanlar da "Rechtsstaat" adini verdikleri kavramlar ile yüzyillardir devam eden entellektüel bir sürec sonucu gelistirdikleri bireylerin her hangi bir güc kullanan makamin bu gucu kotuye kullanmasindan korunmasi gerekliligini ve bunun icin gerekli olan kanunlarin ve bu kanunlari uygulayan mahkemelerin varligini önemini anlatirlar. %47'nin büyüsüne kapilan Iktidar'mizin görmezden gelmeye calistigi, bu Iktidar karsisina 367 oy zorlamasiyla cikan aslinda kendi varlik sebebi olmasina ragmen Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin lastik gibi cekmeye basladigi ve artik yürütmenin siyasallasmasi ile iyice anlamsiz ve etkisiz kalan ilke de budur. Simdi Rechtsstaat Ilkesi'nin dogum yerinde bir mahkemenin alacagi bir karar belki de bazi seyleri yeniden dusunmeye itecek bizleri. ...

On the verge of creating life

While the LHC experiments are running in Geneve, researchers in Harvard have come up one step closer to creating living -see my entry on definition of life - cells from non living matter. Fatty acids suspended in water form self replicating membranes, that might have engulfed nucleic acids that replicate information, and that might have been the start of life as we know it. Here is a great article from Wired about this research.

Büyük Hadron Carpistiricisi

Büyük deney öncesi birkac senedir takip ettigim konu hakkinda ögrendigim bilgileri sizinle paylasmak istedim. "Large hadron collider" baslikli girdilerimi arayarak konu hakkindaki Ingilizce girdilerimi bulabiirsiniz. -LHC: Deneyin yapildigi duzenegin adi Buyuk Hadron Carpistiricisi. Hadron Proton ve benzeri parcaciklarin genel adi. Bu duzenegin su ana kadar calisan parcacik hizlandiricilarindan bir farki yok, senkronize halde calisan hizlandirici elektrik ve döndürücü manyetik alanlar ile kursun iyonlari ile protonlari yerin altinda 27 kilometrelik bir torus icinde hizlandirildiktan sonra cok hassas olcum aletlerinin oldugu bir noktada carpistiriliyor. Isik hizina yakin hizlarda carpisan bu parcaciklar oncelikle enerjiye donusuyor. Bu enerji yogunlugu Big Bang'den hemen sonrraki enerji yogunluguna yakin. Bu kadar yogun enerji tipki Big Bang'den sonra oldugu gibi parcaciklara donusuyor. Olusan parcaciklarin biraktiklari izler -elektrik ve manyetik alandaki degisimleri...

Spore: The Game of Everything

As the physicists go searching for the Theory of Everything with LHC the legendary game producer Will Wright -Simcity, Sims- has already come up with the game of everything, The Spore. In this game you lead a bunch of cells through their journey of evolution from oceans of blue earth to galaxies when they evolve into space faring civilizations. I share Frank Drake's enthusiasm about the games potential as a tool to attract more young brains to science, when the number of science students are dropping in the western world. I downloaded the free creature creator, and share it with you my creation. I may buy the game next week, when I have more time.

Large Hadron Collider: Big and beautiful

Check out these gorgeous high resolution pictures of the LHC: and learn about whats going on there trough this Geek-rap video: CERN Rap from Will Barras on Vimeo and if this is not enough, read all the specifications of the devices and the experiments on here.

The Perfect Panna cotta

When it comes to cooking, there are two things one should be very careful with. Deserts and simple recipes. While you can pretty much play around with the ingredients during cooking for other types of food, this is impossible for deserts. And the importance of ratios becomes more important if you have only a handful of them that define the taste. So a simple desert is actually the hardest to cook. Being nothing more than milk, cream, sugar and gelatin the Piemontese delicacy Panna Cotta is an example of such desert, which I have been trying to cook lately. The trick, which I could not master yet is to get the consistency right. This has got to do with the ratios, the temperature, as well as the sequence of mixing the ingredients. Some restaurants employ the cheap trick of putting flour to get more consistency, but in the end kills the taste completely. The Panna Cotta should taste no more than sweet cold milk which happens to come in a solid form. Flour is a no go for Panna Cotta. Here...

Sir Nils Olav

Here is why I love Scots and the Norwegians: The mascot of the King's Guard in Norway, who now lives in Edinburgh, was awarded knighthood after serving his majesty for more than 10 years.

These monkeys gone to heaven

Little bit of Pixies: pixies-monkey_gone_to_heaven Hochgeladen von labeteimmonde The songs about the monkeys who managed to strangle Neptune in mud, and get Zeus sucked out of the atmosphere, but damned to get burned through the hole in the sky, and still managed to go to heavens. If Man's five, then Devil's six. And if Devil's six, then God is seven, God is seven!

The football bubble

Here is a very interesting article about the Gulf-money crazed European transfer market -especially the English Premiere League- and how it might end up as an economic bubble.

Cat Power covers Space Oddity

My female vocal Cat Power has covered David Bowie's Space Oddity for a commercial. So far we only got the 30 second clip of the commercial, I'm very keen on listening the full song.