How to dance (and lipsync) like a pro

My sister made an entry about one of the tragicomic Turkish movies of the late 90s called "The Forbidden Streets" on her blog. A child music star, Emrah was unfortunate to play -on more than one occasion- a boy whose mother has to consult prostitution to survive, and is therefore subject of many not so nice jokes in Turkish pop culture. In this low budget direct-to-TV movie he plays a poor guy falling in love with a rich girl whose brother is a gang member a.k.a West Side Story. This movie reminded me of another Turkish version of an international blockbuster Cocktail. Thanks to Seckin, I came up with the name of this "great" Turkish movie called "Never Without You." I found two great clips from the movie which thought me a lot how (not) to dance.

PS: Ilk video'da Yasak Sokaklardan Amerikan Ceketli Tayfun diye hatirladigimiz, Seckin'in ise kimligini Nartallo olarak desifre ettigi dansci bir cok Turk filminde dansci roluyle karsimiza cikan biyikli Diego Nartallo adli abisiyle oynamaktadir. Evet, Seckinin Diego takma adi bu abimize olan saygi ve sevgisindendir.


Diego said…
seviyorum olm napayim
Ahmet C. Toker said…
klibin basinda bel kivirirken yuzundeki ictenligi gorup onu sevmemek elde mi?
myagli said…
emrah in okey deyisine takildim...

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