
Showing posts from April, 2007

Obituary for Punk

The weathers been unbelievably sunny in Berlin recently. I know a real nice song that suits my mood these days. It's from the good old Punk days, which I missed with a few years, Here Comes the Summer by The Undertones: To my sister: I hope you know now, who influenced Jarvis Cocker's weird mimics on stage Thinking about the glorious days of Punk, the most disgusting music video I've seen lately came to my mind. It is a proof that the popular culture has chewed, swallowed, and digested Punk. And I think what Avril Lavigne -former prom queen from middleofnowehereville, manitoba, canada- did in her last video is the end product of this digestive process, commonly referred as shit. It is about a handsome guy who is dating a dull geek girl, who wears glasses and long skirts, and a punk-rocker girl who dresses in black, but is not afraid to show her curves with sexy mini skirts and do hip-hop style dance moves when it is necessary, who wants to steal the guy from the evil ge...

About The Situation in Turkey

We have the Presidential election in Turkey. The Islamist Party in government has named an Islamist who claims to have changed his mind as the candidate, who will most likely be elected. I am against his presidency, as he has not convinced me about the change in his opinions, and I believe secularism a consistuent of democracy which I believe firmly. So are 300 000 plus people in Turkey and many more who took to the streets for the second time in two weeks. The country is in turmoil, and I have commented about the situation in Turkey on my political blog in Turkish. I plan to summarize them in English soon. Until then I can only forward my international readers to this BBC News article which has links and in depth analysis of Turkey's current problems. For my Turkish readers, I publish my thoughts here too, but ask them to comment on my political blog if they wish. Abdullah Gül'ün Cumhurbaskanligi Abdullah Gül'un Cumhurbaskanligi'na karsiyim. Yalniz bu karsi olma d...

Hayalimdeki Türkiye

Malumunuz Abdullah Gül Cumhurbaskani (adayi) oldu. Tanidigim ve goruslerine deger verdigim cogu insan ile bu konu özelinde hayalimdeki Türkiye'yi tartisirken buldum kendimi. Bu tartismalar sonucu iyice sekillenen düsüncelerimi Ozan ile birlikte actigimiz Türkiye'nin Sorunlari Blog'umuzda baslattigim "Hayalimdeki Türkiye" yazi dizisi ile ilgililenenlerle paylasmak istiyorum. Türkiye erk'in paylasildigi önemli bir sürecten geciyor, ilgilenmeyen olma lüksümüz yok, yorumlariniz benim icin degerli. Belki siz de yorumlarinizi yaparken, ya da ümit ederim ki benim düsüncelerimi okurken dusuncelerinizi bir yerlere dokme, sürekli yakinmak yerine cozum uretme istegine kapilirsiniz. Görünen o ki politikacilar cözüm üretmeyecek, ve biz cözümler üretip, üzerinde anlasip onlari savunmadikca ülkemiz Osmanli'nin sonlarinda girdigi, Atatürk sayesinde büyük bir atilim yaptigimiz modernlesme macerasinda büyük yaralar alacak...

Why I should Learn French

My Humps

Alanis Morissette parodied Black Eyed Peas' My Humps. In this hillarious clipo I found on Mauro's Facebook , she makes a good laugh about the original song, the ice culture, and also herself as the broken hearted screaming American female vocal who can sing crying just about anything!

So it goes...

I was going to write about the awesome weekend I had in London visiting my sister and attending Bob Dylan's concert. Then I was struck by the news of the Virginia Tech Shootings , where a student of English shot 32 students in two separate shootings on the same day in VT Campus. So it goes. As I expected the conservatives began blaming the video games, National Rifles Association of USA has even linked the killings not to the lax rules on fire-arms in USA, but to their stringency. Their (ill) logic goes like this: had there been a student with a firearm he would be able to stop the maniac on the loose. Great. I'm sure they'd love Dr. Strangelove. Mutual Assured Destruction. Why did this news affected me this much? After all I went to class everyday for two years passing under the infamous University of Texas Tower, from where ex-Marine Corp Charles Whitman shot 17 civilians on a sunny Austin day.So it goes. I found out why... This weekend I read Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt V...

Besiktasli olmak...

Dünkü macla ilgili yazimi bu aksam yazacagim. Ama eksisozluk 'te jokond'un su dizeleri oglen oglen gozlerimi doldurdu: bir akşam daha uyuyabilmek bir gece daha huzurla gülümseyebilmek mutlu, keyifli... başını yastığa gamsız koyabilmek yeşil ışıkların terkisinde kulaklarda kalan aşk şarkıları dilinde özgürce uyuyabilmek demek... sevebilmek bir koca çınarı her gün biraz daha fazla sevebilmek mutlu, keyifli... başını yarinin omzuna koyup sevinçten ağlayabilmek kramponların gol vuruşlarının terkisinde özgürce ağlayabilmek demek... beşiktaşım, seni sevmek seni sevebilmek bu gece bir kez daha seni gözlerinden öpebilmek demek...

Uranium Enrichment Guide

After Iran's declaration about it's industrial level Uranium enrichment capability, BBC created this interesting clickable guide about the uranium enrichment program:

My Shot At Cracking The Cylon Mystery

My favorite TV show Battlestar Galactica starts with the video clip above. The Cylons, who are evolved machines in human form, have a plan, and that is why they destroyed all but 40 thousand plus humans on the 12 planets (of Kobol). After 2,5 seasons (that's where I am at now, in UK and USA the third season has already ended) the Plan is not clear. But the clues are there. So I am gonna try to unfold the mystery. !!!! (POSSIBLE) SPOILER !!!! The 12 colonies mythology goes like this: The Humankind was living peacefully on Kobol with the Gods. Sometime later the humanly sins such as greed and jealousy took their toll on Kobol, and the humans had to leave the planet. There were 13 tribes of humans. 12 of them stayed together and ended up in 12 different planets on the same constellation. 1 of them, the 13th tribe , ended up in a planet called Earth and lost contact with the other 12 colonies. The sacred texts of 12 colonies prophesy that the 13th tribe lives in harmony on Earth, an...

More About Knut

According to this Economist Blog Berlin Zoo's shares have raised since Knut's arrival and even Colbert likes him!

(Almost) Perfect Weekend, A Sad Goodbye, My Favorite Cylon, and the Cutest Thing in Berlin

I attended a two day meeting at our contractor Siemns, oops Nokia-Siemens after their merger . I had no internet access, and couldn't update my blog. I guess this thing is getting addictive, my mind was full of things to write... So lets start with the (almost) perfect extended-weekend I had last week. Long time ago, I and Diego, defined the "Articles of a Happy Life for an Unattached Young Male" -I can give the link to those interested. Last weekend was a manifestation of the articles. On Friday we started at a cocktail bar, Nachbar , then Refik's dorm room, and ended up in Matrix - one of the most lame clubs in Berlin in my opinion, as usual for a night when we are high on alcohol. But it was one of the best nights in Matrix. Then on Saturday we gathered at my apartment and cooked Manti - Turkish dumplings filled with meat served with garlic yogurt and red pepper fried in butter, my favorite dish by far: - which was followed by a Pro Evolution Soccer Tournament...

In the search of an Ohrwurm

German's call the tunes that stick to your ear and play there until you can recall their name (and download from the net) Ohrwurm - ear worm. I was stricken with such a Ohrwurm syndrome which lasted about a week, and found it in the end. From 1999 Blessid Union of Souls hails with Hey Leonardo ( She Likes Me For Me) On my search on youtube I came across another tune I was searching, whose video was elected one of youtube greatest hits:

Coca Cola GTA Super Bowl Commercial

For those who don't read the comments on my blog, here is the great Coca Cola Super Bowl Commercial, that Thuan told me about, oops here is Thuan's personal site , inspired by the greatest computer game of all time: