A Small Step In Cyprus

The situation in Cyprus has been a stalemate lately. The course of the things which were leading to a possible unification of the island shattered 2004, when the Greek Cypriots rejected and the Turkish Cypriots accepted an UN-Endorsed deal based on a two state federation with a loose central government. Few days later, the Republic of Cyprus, which the Greek Cypriots claim to represent the whole island -something the Turkish side denies vehemently- joined the European Union.

The stand of two sides are up to today were:

The Turkish Cypriots claim that the Greek-initiated coup which lead to the Turkish military intervention obsoleted the Cyprus Republic, and a new one should be founded in order to join the European Union. They feel mistreated by the European Union and the international community, for their vote for unification -something of a miracle in a country literally run by the Turkish bureaucracy and military- being left without an answer. They believe that the Greek Cypriot side should take a step to lift the international sanctions which make them even more dependent on Turkey (and hence its bureaucracy and military).

The Greek Cypriots on the other side feel that it is the Turkish military invasion which is illegal, and responsible for absence of Turkish representation in the Republic, not them. They do not see the need for a new republic, as the old one is there, it's just the Turks are not participating in it. Having the upper hand after joining EU, they are using their membership to obtain the most out of the situation.

Cyprus' accedence to the EU has also meant that Europe is home to another Wall , 20 years after the Wall in Berlin -sadly Europe is also allowing another one in Israel-Palestine. The wall that separates Lefkosa in Cyprus. In a situation like Cyprus, even smallest of gestures sometimes open the gates for big changes. Just like a leading scholar, whose name I cannot remember, said about the Berlin wall "When there is an opening in the wall, there is no wall", I hope the news that the Greek Cypriots answered the gesture by the Turkish side of demolishing the blockade leading to a passage in the wall, by demolishing the blockade on the other side will help solving the deadlock in Cyprus.

Those who are interested in the issue can read this great website by BBC, or the Turkish Foreign Ministry site for the Turkish perspective. I would be glad to anyone (Zeynep you gotta be able to help me here) who can lead me to sources for the Greek perspective. As a general wish, I would also appreciate links to scholarly articles about world conflicts.

When it comes to my personal opinion, I believe it is the Greek and Turkish Cypriots freedom to decide their future. Both Greece and Turkey should stop seeing Cyprus as a strategical asset which they can play with. The rhetoric of "we cannot do anything until the other side makes an effort" is bringing no one anywhere.


Ozan Korkmaz said…
Bu yazıya detaylı bir cevap yazıcam Ahmetcim. Ama olaylara Dış İşleri Bakanlığı'nın veya BBC'nin gözünden bakmanın Brüksel'den veya Washington'dan veya Atina'dan bakmaktan farkı yok.
Gerçekten, bunca olaydan sonra karşı tarafın iyi niyetine inanabilecek kadar saf mıyız?
Yoksa Türkiye'nin dış ticaretini üçüncü ülkelere karşı Türkiye'nin hiç bir onayı olmadan belirleyen Gümrük Birlik anlaşmasını, yani Türkiye'nin AB'ye tek taraflı bağlanmasını sağlayan bir anlaşmayı imzalayabilmek için Kıbrıs'ta ödün verilmesini sağlayanlar gbi kötü niyetli miyiz? Burada Tansu Çiller, Murat Karayalçın, Süleyman Demirel ve benzerlerinden bahsediyorum Ahmetcim. Sen de biliyorsun ki o gümrük birliği anlaşmasını imzalayabilmek için Kıbrıs rum kesiminin tüm adayı temsilen AB'ye üyeliğini kabul etmiştik. Böylece yarın adada Türklere karşı bir eylem olursa Ankara Anlaşması'nda imzalanmış olan Ada üstündeki Türkiye'nin garantörlüğünü de kendimiz iptal etmeyi kabul etmiş olduğumuzdan bu eyleme müdahele etme imkanımız olmayacak. Daha doğrusu müdahele ettiğimizde karşımızda sadece yunanlıları değil AB'yi bulucaz.
Daha sonra uzun bir yorum yazıcam ama sonuçta hep iyi adım atan, hep taviz veren taraf olmaktansa biraz da taviz bekleyen taraf olmamız problemi kökünden çözecektir.
Çünkü bu problemin çözümü Ada'da her açıdan tüm dünyaca tanına Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'dir. Batılılaşma demek siyasi sebeplerle koskoca bir Cumhuriyeti tanımamayı da içeriyorsa bu Batılılaşma'nın modernleşme ile ne kadar alakalı olduğunu sorgulamak gerekir.