The stink of human sin...

If you haven't been living in a nuclear fallout bunker for the last 10 years, term global warming should be familiar to you (as a matter of fact, if you haven't heard about it, you better go back to the bunker). Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an intergovernmental council composed of about 2500 scientists put the blame of rising temperatures on us, the human kind. The report published today in Paris, uses the harshest wording that a international organization can use, and indicates:

"The rise in global temperatures are more than likely to be caused by human activity"

Let's contemplate on what human activity means.

Please don't go blaming the evil gas companies, the auto industry, the global scapegoat Bush presidency, or the energy thirsty China who does not care about the environment at all.

They sure are guilty to some extent. But it is only when we come into terms with the fact that we, ourselves are also guilty, and have to do something about it, that we, as the only species in the whole wide world that possesses the power to heal and harm the planet, take a step in the direction of solving this problem (if it is still possible).

We ruined the planet with the lights we left open when we left the room, we ruined the planet with the public transport we did not use, we ruined the planet with every unnecessary mile we did with our dirty combustion engine, we ruined the planet with our thermo-electric power plants, we ruined the planet by opposing one of the most cleanest forms of energy (nuclear), we ruined the planet by choosing governments who did not invest in research for alternative energy, we ruined the planet by not using the available forms of alternative energy...

And now it is official. The stink of human sin is allover the atmosphere, and to much to bare. We, as in me and you, must do something about it...


Ozan Korkmaz said…
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Ozan Korkmaz said…
En azından insanları ve yönetimi bu konuya duyarlı bir ülkede yaşıyorsun şu anda. Ama doğduğun ülkedeki insanların %90'ı ve hükümeti bu konuya öyle duyarsızlar ki.
2 gün önce Enerji Bakanımız Sn. Hilmi Güler'in katıldığı bir programda biz bireylere neler düştüğünü anlatıyordu. Sunucu da bir soru sordu, "Bireylerden bunları bekliyorsunuz da Kyoto Protokolünü neden imzalamıyorsunuz" tarzı. Tabi ki yanıt gelmedi, sanki bu soru hiç sorulmamış gibi oturum devam etti...
zeynep said…
Very true indeed but do you have any ideas on how we can fix it? We, the human kind? You, me?

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