You Be My Wife

I stumbled upon this live performance by Borat. Lyrics are very touching, and the electro-organ solos are master grade.

The lyrics go:

You have a pretty face, and hair that is gold
Your body is nice, like a seven year old
I wanting a world that you'll be my wife
But if you cheat on me, you pay with your life
You be my wife i treat you nice,
We will make love, whenever i like
I give you two shoes
A dress that is red
They belong us to you
Since my old wife now dead


J said…
sayın act, bu you tube den bloga video koymanın kısa bir yolu vardı neydi acaba? beni bi inform eder msnz?
Ahmet C. Toker said…
hay hay. youtube videolarinin hemen saginda ufak bir kutucuk var. Tags, URL, embeded diye devam eden. bunlardan embeded yazan alandaki yaziyi direk kopyalayip blogdaki yazina paste ediyorsun. video direk gozukuyor. google video biraz daha karmasik, onu ayri anlatirim zamani gelince.
aysenaz said…
freddie mercury e benzemis

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