
Showing posts from August, 2010

Walking in Dylanapatawpha

Dylan is a child of the north. He was born in the northernmost end of the Highway 61, Duluth Minnesota. Raised in Hibing, Minesota, he attended University of Minnesota for a few semesters. He went to join the Village in the Big City, and the rest is history. Yet, he has a thing for the American South(West). Romance In Durango, Senor, Stuck in Mobile with Memphis Blues, and If You Ever Go to Houston from his most recent album all carry a certain feeling of a hot and moist mystery with them. But in all of his Southern songs, Brownsville Girl is the most perplexing and addictive. It is a 11 minute southern saga, a real jewel out of what some call the worst album in Dylan's discography. It is a mix of three different stories: a Gregory Peck western, the story of the narrator's old love affair with a modern day Bonnie, a.k.a the Brownsville Girl, and the road story of the narrator and his current love. The stories mix seamlessly in this lovely song, in which characters of the ...

The Natural Born Twins: The Boss and the Il Capo

Bruce Springsteen, a.k.a. The Boss: Alessandro del Piero, a.k.a Il Capo:

Besiktas Günlügü 2010-2011: HJK 0 - BJK 4

Bakmayin tur Istanbul'da bitmisti dediklerine. Helsinki haldur huldur geldi. Bir toplari direkten dondu, Cenk kalesinde devlesti. Defansta Ferrar'nin cok yavas kaldigi bariz. Gecen seneki performansi iyi olmasina iyiydi, ama ilk geldigi gunlerde Roma'li bir arkadasima kendisini sordugumda aldigim yanit aynen suydu "Butun mac harika oynar, sonra 85'de bir adam kacirir bitirir takimi." Umarim kendine biraz ceki duzen verir. Quaresma'yi sezon sonuna kadar keyifle seyredelim, boyle giderse sezon sonunda alirlar elimizden. Guti ve Necip'in Besiktas'taki ilk golleri bu maca nasipmis. Necip'in kendi kalesine bir golu vardi yanilmiyorsam, ama onu saymiyoruz. Guti'nin biraz daha kondisyon toplamaya ve guzel bir cim zemine ihtiyaci var gibi gozuktu. Mehmet Aurelio'ya karsi Fenerbahce günlerinden antipatim olsa da rotasyona faydasi dokunacak, Turk statüsü nedeniyle. Ernst disarida kalirsa Necip'in yaninda patlamayan bomba Ugur Inceman...

Atesini yolla bana!

Fenerli dostlarim yanlis anlamasin. Bu aksam siyah ve beyaz ve Kartal askim one gecti. Bu aksam Istanbullu Selanikliler Atletizm cemiyetini destekliyor olacagim. Keske Young Boys'u elemis olsalar, beni bu pozisyona sokmasalardi. Esas heyecan Helsinki'de tabi. Mac oldugu gun konsantre olmak imkansiz. Tum Besiktaslilar icin Pinar'in deyimile Türkiye'nin Vampiri Hakan Peker'den gelsin: Atesini yolla bana, sak sak sak! Daha daha sokul bana sak sak sak !

My new Facebook Profile Picture

Me and my friends were on our way to King Hekataios' banquet. Except that I don't have a Facebook account, and its not my picture. This is from one of the newest archaeological finding in South Western Turkey. Do have a look at the pictures of the findings ( link to the gallery )

2010-2011 Besiktas Gunlugü: Besiktas 0 - IBB 2

Macin ilk 20 dakikasindaki baskimizdan gol cikarabilsek bu maci alirdik. Ilk yirmi dakikadaki baski sonüp IBB dengeyi saglayinca Besiktasli dostlarima mail attim, biz böyle giderse golu yeriz diye. Nitekim cok da beklemedik golu yemek icin. Golu yedikten sonra da top bizde olsa da kaleci Cenk, Ferrari, Ersan, sisirme topu asmayan taktiksel variyasyonda kanserojen bir oyun oynadik. Hak ede ede yenildik, Super Lig'e ciktiklarindan beri belalimiz olan IBB'yi tebrik etmek lazim. Mactan aklima kalanlar sunlar: Schuster ileride Holosko'yu, orta sahada Delgado'yu deneyerek belki kafasindaki sorulari cevaplamak istedi. Ilk cevabini almis olacak ki kalbimde Arjantin'li kontenjanindan yer alan, kac senedir Zurih macinda yaptigi patlamanin devamini bekledigim Delgado'yu yolladi. Bu kadar insiyatif almayan bir topcu'yu Besiktas'imda gormek istemiyorum. Cakma Brezilya'li Japon'umuzdan medet umacagiz bu gidisle Guti'nin dinlendirildigi maclarda. Onu da k...


Bob Dylan has this great radio show called Theme Time Radio Hour. Every week he chooses a theme,such as Coffee, Devil, Trains, and plays a wide collection of songs about the theme. Interested can download almost all the episodes from the following website ( link to the website ). I was listening to the Weather episode the other day. He played De Niro's famous "Someday a real rain will come and wash away this scum" sample from Taxi Driver. Apparently Dylan likes this movie. So I googled De Niro and Dylan, and here is what I found: Brad Elderman ( link to his website ) took this photo in 1976 in a New York City backstage, where Dylan called the young and new actor to meet him in person. Apparently he tried a lot to get it back. I am happy he didn't get his way. Then I came across a similar picture in the Galatasaray blog I follow Kalendar Libero( link to the blog ): When Queen met the God. This picture of Maradona with Queen is from Queen's epic 81 South Am...

Robinho cilginligi

Image 'dan alintidir. Resmen bu duruma dustuk. Bence Medical Park'in sponsorlugunu yutturmak icin ayak yapiyorlar.

Besiktas Günlügü 2010-2011: Uefa Playoff BJK-Helsinki

Macin Besiktas'lilar icin en önemli karesi. 10'larca yillik Besiktas Emekcisi takimdaki en yakin arkadasin golü sonrasi sariliyor. En yakin arkadasi dünya'nin en yetenekli ayaklarindan biri. Endüstriyel futbol diye seytan tasliyoruz cogu zaman, ama arada böyle güzellikleri de beraberinde getiriyor. Bir Besiktas blogunda okudugum gibi, Süreyya Abi'ye sarilinca hepimize sarilmis oldun. Quaresma bana Les Ferdinand'i ve Carew'i hatirlatiyor. Besiktas'lilarin anilarinda kisa ama harika anilar birakan sevgililerdi ikisi de. Quaresma ve Besiktas'in yarattigi bu sinerji devam ederse gelecek sene elimizde tutamayiz Quaresma'yi. Süreyya Abi'nin bir yakin dostu da Les Ferdinand'mis. Futbolsuz Yapamam Blog'undaki videolari kesin izlemek gerekli ( link ).   Fubol'un güzelligi su resimdeki cocuklarin suratlarindaki sevinctir. Mac Notlari: Goller: 35 Hilbert - Quaresma'nin fizik üstü trivela ortasini yere sektirerek iceri ceviren Tabata...

Street Food mas grande: Kelle Sogus

Turkey is a paradise for offal lovers. From very late night drinker's remedy Tripe soup to street vendor's cleaned intestine specialty Kokorec ( wiki entry link ) there is literally no part of the animal that is not eaten. The westernmost metropolis of Turkey, Izmir, has a very special offal delicacy to offer. It's name is Kelle Sögüs, and it is not well known outside of Izmir. Thanks to my lovely offal aficionado girlfriend from Izmir, I got to taste and fall in love with Sogus. Kelle means "head" in Turkish, and kelle sogus includes all the edible parts of the head of a lamb. I will not list you the ingredients, instead I will remind you of Von Bismarck's quote about sausages and laws ( link to the quote ). The meat is marinated, boiled and served cold in pita-like bread with minced onions, parsley and cumin. Enjoyed with a cold ayran, it may be my favorite street food, as the picture of me crying when I am eating sogus above demonstrates. Even though...

Besiktas Günlügü 2010-2011: Bucaspor - Besiktas

Gol sevincinin oncesi: Ve sonrasi: Beni en cok mutlu eden Necip'in abilerinin arasinda olmasi. Besiktas'ta yuzler guluyor diyebiliriz. Takim icinde bir hava yakalanmis gibi. Hemen tahtaya vurmak gerek. Cok da havaya girmeden, 10 kisi kalan Bucaspor'un buldugu pozisyonlar dusunulmeli ve onlemler alinmali.  Sali günkü HJK Helsinki maci daha zor olacak.

Ugly, uglier, the ugliest

The only reason why this hotel in Mecca ( link to the hotel website ) is not the ugliest hotel I've ever seen is because I've seen photos of this joke of a Hotel in Pyongyang ( link to the official tourism agency of the Republic of Northern Korea ):

Evet - Hayir

Yurtdisinda yasadigim icin Anayasa Referandum'unda oy kullandim. Ayse Arman'in dile getirdigi Evet/Hayir secenekli bir oy pusulasina "Evet" mührü basmanin kafa karisikligini ben de yasadim. Dün saglik bakani Recep Akdag'in aciklamasinda belirttigi gibi ( haber'e baglanti ) Hükümet'imiz bizim icin neyin iyi neyin kotu olacagini iyi bilir. Bu acidan oy pusulalarinda gereken degisikligi yapacaklarindan en ufak kuskum yok. Ornek olarak yukaridaki referandum pusulasi kullanilabilir. Evet ya da Hayir cok rahat bir sekilde seciliyor. Referandumlarin ne gibi onemli konulari gonul rahatligiyla cozdugu de bu pusuladan gorulebilir. Alman Anavatani'na katilmak icin can atan Avusturya vatandaslarinin ne istedigini cok iyi bilen Alman Hükümeti bu konuyu bir referandumla hemen acikliga kavusturmus.

Weird things going on

The weirdest email I got in my life. No Sender, No Subject, No Content, sent on 1.1.1970. Surely this is a message from the Gods. The worst kind of publicity for a watch making company like Tissot. The time this picture taken in Istanbul Ataturk Airport was 14:50.

A series of dreams as the Inception O.S.T

[SPOILER ALERT] It is a nice coincidence that I watched this good movie around the same time I discovered this great song. I really wanna watch the movie once again with this song in my head. Of course the longer version found in Tell Tale Signs. A Series of Dreams Bob Dylan I was thinking of a series of dreams Where nothing comes up to the top Everything stays down where it’s wounded And comes to a permanent stop Wasn’t thinking of anything specific Like in a dream, where someone wakes up and screams Nothing too very scientific Just thinking of a series of dreams Thinking of a series of dreams Where the middle and the botton drop out And youre walking out of the darkness Into the shadows of doubt Wasn't going to any great trouble You believe in its whatever it seems Nothing to heavy to burst the buble Just thinking of a series of derams Thinking of a series of dreams Where time and tempo drag Suddenly the gate is thrown open And you're left there, h...

Joy of rediscovering a Bob Dylan discovery

I guess I won't be wrong if I say that Bob Dylan's artistic output is perhaps one of the largest in the contemporary music history. Thus one shouldn't be surprised to find interesting Dylan selections such as "Favorite Dylan Songs Starting with C" in the Internet. His website ( link to the website ), which has an incredible list of his songs, might give you an idea of about the sheer volume of his output. So from time to time I discover new favorites out of this collection. The song Series of Dreams is a voyage through well you know what, in which Dylan has no intention of telling anything specific, but just wants to paint the walls of a long and winding cave with the images. This beautiful song did not make it to any albums. I first heard it on his Greatest Hits collection a month or so ago, and was struck by it. Recently I came across an alternate version in his latest Bootleg Series Releases Tell Tale Signs. I have to say the alternate version is even be...

Nevin Yanit Mucizesi

Moskova'da Pinar'la deli gibi bir heyecan icinde seyrettigimiz Berlin'de kosulan 2009 Dunya Atletizm Sampiyonasi'nda en sevdigim dallardan biri 100 metre engelliydi. Hem teknik, hem guc, hem de hiza dayali olan bu dali sakatligi nedeniyle yarislara katilamayan favorilerden Lo Lo Jones'un ( resim ) yorumlariyla takip etmistik. Bu harika dalda dün gece bir Avrupa Sampiyonu cikardik. 2 sene sonra Nevin Yanit Lo Lo Jones ile belki final kosucak. Bu buyuk basarida 2008den beri Nevin Yanit'a destek olan sporcusu oldugu Fenerbahce camiasinin da payini unutmamak gerekli. Kendilerini kutluyorum. Türkiye'nin ilk atletizm ve jimnastik klübü'nün baskaninin Robinho'ya verecegi 10 milyon uzerindeki dolari 10'da birini yetenekli bir atletimiz ya da atletlerimize vermesini isterdim. Ama bu hayalcilikten de oteye gitmek olur, zira Quaresma ve Guti'nin mensubu oldugu klubümüzün Türkiye Lig ve Kupa Sampiyonu Hentbol takimi 1 senedir maas almadan oynamak zor...