
Showing posts from March, 2010

6-0, 8-0, Seref ve Serefsizlik Uzerine

8 golü Anfield Road'da yasadim. Hakem 89. dakikada oyunu durdurmasa 9 da olurdu, 10 da olurdu. Ertesi gun havaalaninda gördügüm Besiktas'li futbolculara inanin hic kizmadim. Beni tribunde kahreden skor'u sahada bizzat yasayan adamlara kim olarak kizabilirdim ki? Futbol bloglarinda, arkadas sohbetlerinde sik sik kullanilan bir aforizma vardir. Fransiz dusunur Albert Camus der ki: "Ahlak ve zorunluluklar hakkinda ne biliyorsam, bunun cogunu futbola borcluyum" Pek cok konusulmayan, belki de gozden kacan sey Albert Camus'un bu sozu bir futbol seyircisi olarak degil, bir futbolcu olarak soyledigidir. Camus 1930 yilina kadar universite takimda kalecidir cunku. Takim olmak, basarmak, kaybetmek, yorulmak, takim arkadasina destek olmak, ona kizmak, antrenorun dediklerini yanlis bulsan da yapmak ancak yarismaci bir spor takiminin uyesi olarak edinilebilecek erdemlerdir. Halisahalarda haftasonundan haftasonuna mac yapmak degil bu bahsettigim. Kucuk veya buyuk bir takim...

I'm (almost) in the Army now

Before ... After ...

Not much has changed...

"Capitol Air" Allen Ginsberg Frankfurt-New York December 15, 1980 I don't like the government where I live I don't like dictatorship of the Rich I dion't like bureaucrats telling me what to eat I dont' like Police dogs sniffing round my feet I don't like Communist Censorship of my books I don't like Marxists complaining about my looks I don't like Castro insulting members of my sex Leftists insisting we got the mystic Fix I don't like Capitalists selling me gasoline Coke Multinationals burning Amazon trees to smoke Big Corporation takeover media mind I don't like the Top-bananas that're robbing Guatemala banks blind I don't like K.G.B. Gulag concentration camps I don't like Maoists' Cambodian Death Dance 15 Million were killed by Stalin Secretary of Terror He has killed our old Red Revolutionary for ever I don't like Anarchists screaming Love Is Free I don't like the C.I.A. they killed John Kennedy Paranoiac tanks si...

Kitlelerin Anfetamini / Dogu Roma'da Holiganizm

Diyarbakirspor - IBB maci sahaya giren Diyarbakir seyircisi nedeniyle 87. dakikada tatil edildi. Gecen hafta Bursa macinda olanlardan sonra Diyabakirspor'un ligdeki gelecegini ciddi ciddi tehlikede goruyorum. Bir sezonda 2 takimin ligden dustugu ligimizin marka degeri hakkinda bir iki laf etmek degil amacim. Sezen Aksu'nun harika deyimiyle " DNA’mıza kodlanmış bu ‘örtbas’ illeti " nedeniyle yine gecici cozumlerle gecistirilecek, bir kac suclu bulunup hali altina surulecek biliyorum Diyarbakirspor maclarinda vucut bulan travma. Bas bas bagiriyor, akli basinda futboldan anlayan her birey. Eger insanlarin baska yontemlerle insan haklarini aramalarini ellerinden alirsaniz, en kolay gidilebilecek, 82 darbesinin kirli kokulu ve kanli kollarinin tam anlamiyla uzanamadigi tek toplu gosteri sansi olan futbol maclari bu ve belki daha buyuk eylemlere gebe. Eger siz acilim yapiyor diyip secilmis baskanlari ellerini kelepceleyerek goz altina alirsaniz, ya da acilimi birakin, eski ...

a helmet is not enough

A red helmet is not enough Michael. You also need a red car for a win .

Watch Battlestar Galactica

If my ramblings about Battlestar Galactica, almost unanimous positive reviews and the awards it received haven't convinced you of the awasomeness of Battlestar Galactice, this Youtube clip must do the job. If this doesn't do the job, I suggest you try watching Young and Restless. Despite the action packed into 3 minutes from 4 seasons, I'd like to remind you that BSG is not a science fiction series. It is rather a political, personal, religious, legal, family drama set to a science fiction setting. Try it, you won't regret!

Okula başladım...

22 sene oldu hala bırakamadım :).

Bu arada ülkenin baska bir tarafinda...

Dünya Kadinlar Günü ülkemiz ve dis temsilciliklerde tüm coskusuyla kutlanir, birbirimize cok sevdigimiz analarimizin erdemlerini, kimileri Atatürk inklaplarinin kadinlara getirdiklerini, kimileri Islam'in cehalet döneminde diri diri gömülen kizlari nasil kurtardigini birbirlerine anlatadursun, ülkemizin baska bir kösesinde gercekler anlatilarimizdan bagimsiz ilerlemeye devam ediyor. Birlesmis Milletler'in kadin erkek esitligi ile ilgili iki istatistiginde gururla 79. sirayi aliyoruz. Basbakan'in bir daha gitmem dedigi Davos'u düzenleyen Dünya Ekonomik Forumu'nun 128 ulkeyi kapsayan istatistiklerinde gururla 121 siradayiz, Fas ve Misir arasinda. Ayni istatistigin kadinlarin ekonomik katilimi ve firsatlari siralamasinda 119 politik katilimlarinda 109 siradayiz. Refleks tepkinin "ama kadin erkek esitligini olcmek oyle kolay birsey degil, hem bu istatistikler yanli" olacagini da hissediyorum. Degisik yontemlerin degisik sorunlari oldugu bilinen bir gercek ...

The book of longing meets the music of mantras

I got a hold of Philip Glass' fairly recent song cycle based on Leonard Cohen's latest poetry book the "Book of longing." I don't like the symphonic songs particularly, yet I found the album very satisfactory. I will need more time to enjoy the songs thoroughly, yet somehow I have got the feeling that Philip Glass' style of building complexity out of simple patterns matches very well with Cohen's meticulous way of re-writing of his poems, until he finds the perfect line. The website devoted for the book opens with the following lines: "I can hold in a great deal; I don’t speak until the waters overflow their banks and break through the dam. Thus I was able to delay this book well beyond the end of the 20th century. " I am very glad that the dams broke, and the waters reached Philip Glass' home in New York City. The opening song reminded me the creeping opening song "The Dead Flag Blues" from Godspeed You Black Emperor's album ...

Creationist climate deniers are very nice people...

... realy, they are very decent people... ... for Triumph the Insult Comic Dog to poop on! "...maybe it was made up by over-eager scientists, the same scientists who made up things like evolution and gravity." Unlike Triumph, these Congressman do believe in this. In the mean time, heres what the scientists think: