
Showing posts from January, 2010

Besiktas Demiroreni Kovuyor!

Demokrasi'lerin sadece parlamento'dan ibaret oldugunu sanmak, daha dogrusu boyle oldugunu kitlelere empoze etmek, o kitleler uzerinde hegemonya kurmaya calisan yonetici sinifin bir yalanidir. Eger parlemento kitlelere acik degilse, ya da kitleleri temsil etmiyor ise kitlelerin ve kisilerin parlemento disinda haklarini aramalari onlarin temek insan haklarindan/odevlerinden biridir. Nazi Almanya'sinin yikilisindan 20 yil sonra CDU ve SDP bir koalisyon kurarlar. 2. Dunya savasi sonra yapilan anayasada olagan ustu hal ile ilgili maddeler yoktur. Muttefiklerin baskisi ile bu koalisyon anayasaya ek yaparak olagan ustu hallerde anayasal haklarin -iletisim ve seyahat ozgurlugu gibi- kaldirilabilmesini saglamak ister. Buna parlementoda sadece liberaller (FDP) karsi cikar. Parlemento'da kendilerini temsil eden hickimseyi bulamayan ogrenciler Parlemento Disi Muhalefeti kurarlar. Anayasa degisikli yine de kabul edilir, ancak bugun tum dunyada Yesiller partileri var ise bunun neden...

People are bown twins

Those who know me, are aware of my affection for everything French, my favorite being the French language. Those who have seen me during the cold 2010 Berlin days will have no problem with this photo proving that I have a lost French twin. Now I know why I love everything French. Engin saw this French guy in the photo in an U-Bahn station in Berlin last week: My friend Seckin had a similar experience yesterday. He found out that his lost twin is the newly signed Galatasaray forward Dos Santos: And for those who haven't had the pleasure of meeting Seckin, or the pain of meeting me, here is a picture of us, doing the Mc Hammer dance:

This is the chilling and disturbing truth...

A quote from the book " Nuremberg Diary ," taken from a conversation with Gestapo Leader and Nazi Ceasar Hermann Göring , one of the most evil persons inhabitied this world: Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars. Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voi...

Ocak sikintisi

Umarim 17 yil sonra, bugun Ugur Mumcu'nun adinin hicbir gazetede anilmamasindan duydugum utanci, bir 19 Ocak günü Hrant Dink'in adini goremedigim zaman yeniden duymam. Ne yazik ki korkum 17 yil boyunca "kol kirilir yen icinde kirilir" zihniyetinin hakim oldugu "yuksek" kesimlerin bu iki cinayetin de aydinlanmasina izin vermeyecegi, bu kesimlerin sindirdigi, ya da cikarlarina ortak ettigi basinin da toplum mühendisligine devam edip 19 Ocaklarda 24 Ocaklarda Brad Pitt ile Angelina Jolie'nin bosanmasi tarzi haberleri yayinlayacagidir. Turkiye'nin iyiligini dusundugunu söyleyen herkes sonu nereye varacagini sorgulamadan bu cinayetlerin aydinlanmasini istemek zorundadir. Zira evlatlarini katleden bir devlet, devlet ana olamaz.

Hrant Dink'in Ardindan - Oyunlarinda bir piyon

12 Haziran 1963 günü arabasindan inip evine dogru yurumek isteyen Amerikali Ayrimcilik karsiti aktivist Medgar Evers tam kafasinin arkasindan vurulur. Missisipi'nin ilk siyah hukuk ogrencisi Evers'i Ku Klux Klan üyesi Byron De La Beckwith vurmustur. Beckwith birkac gün sonra yakalanir. Ancak tamamen beyazlardan olusan juri bir karara varamaz. Beckwith'in ceza almasi tam 31 yil ve 3 mahkeme süreci sürer. 22 yasindaki Bob Dylan ayni yil "Only a pawn in their game" - "Oyunlarinda sadece bir piyon" adli sarkiyi yazar. Hrant Dink'in katlinin yildönümünda bu sarkiyi günümüz Türkiye'sine uyarlamak istiyorum. Dusuncelerimi daha güzen anlatan bir yazi bulamadim. "Oyunlarinda Bir Piyon Bir mermi doktu Hrant Dink'in kanini, kalabaligin arasindan gelen, Bir parmak cekti tetigi, kendi adina, Bir kabza saklandi kalabaligin arasina, Bir el cakti kivilcimi, Bir Adam'in beynine dogru, Iki goz aldi nisani, Ama suclayamaz kimse onu, Cunku oyunlarinda,...

Present of Evolution to Humanity: Dogs

Every dog owner, every dog lover, every animal lover should watch this great BBC documentary on the incredible and unique bond between humans and dogs. It is looking more and more likely that the dogs have evolved traits such as being able to tell human emotion from facial gestures, being able to understand human mimics, human words. It is also likely the dog barking is an evolutionary trait selected since it allows inter-species communication. I wish so dearly that the Turkish State TV would air more of this kind of educational programs, instead of the anti-Evolution bullshit they've been airing for some time.

All is love...

... really. Karen O and the Kids - All is love - OST Where the wild things are

Türkiye'de Irkcilik Yoktur - Kisim VI

"Seytan'nin insanlara oynadigi en buyuk oyun, onlari aslinda var olmadigina inandirmakmis" derler. Seytan var midir, yok mudur bilemem ama Türkiye'deki irkcilik icin cok dogru bir söz bu. Baskin Oran'in kosesine tasidigi, kendi deyimiyle bir "Ermeni Türk"ün mektubunu okumanizi siddetle öneririm.

Caravaggio's Modernity

Caravaggio is my favorite painter. Painting in the beginning of the era known as "Counter-reformation," Caravaggio is known for his realism, his use of light and shadow and the dynamic scenes he depicts in his pictures. He was definitely a contemporary artist, in the current sense of the word. Whereas his contemporaries were still painting angels and prophets in heaven in the Renaissance style, Caravaggio chose his models from the slums of Rome, and painted Biblical scenes in contemporary Rome. This struck a chord in the illiterate masses, whom the Catholic church were trying to "protect" from the influence of the Reformation coming from the Teutonic world. Not similar to contemporary artists of today, he was very popular among the masses. There was something very "modern" in Caravaggio's attitude and style, that I could feel and see in his paintings, and was not able to name. Yesterday, I started reading Michael Focault's review of Kant's sho...

Özledim Ulan!

Lig baslasin artik. Sinirlendigim Nihat'i, hatta onu gectim cok kufur ettigim, Japon Brezilyalimizi bile özledim. Eddie Vedder Türkiye konseri sirasinda Bogaz'dan Inönü stadyumunu benimki gibi bir özlemle süzüyor.

Balik Hafizali Millet ve Onun Oyunbaz Yöneticileri

Spor'u yakindan takip etmeyenleriniz olabilir. Onun icin olanlari kisaca size özetleyeyim. Galatasaray Basketbol Takimi sezon öncesi Avrupa'ya özel bir turnuvaya gidiyor. Cemal Nalga adli bir oyuncusu 5 mac cezali. Bu turnuvada sahada yer aliyor, ama takim arkadasinin formasiyla oynuyor. Türkiye Basketbol Federasyonuna ise macta oynamamis gibi gosteriliyor. Boylece Cemal Nalga sezona hem hazir giriyor, hem de cezasini cekmekten kurtuluyor. Asagilik bir kurnazlik örnegi. Türkiye'nin en büyük camialarindan birine, kendini Galatasaray Lisesi gelenegine adamis bir camiaya yakismayan, bu yuzden beni cok uzen bir kurnazlik hem de. Galatasaray Klübü kendi icinde hemen cezalari veriyor. Sira Basketbol Federasyonuna geliyor. Disiplin talimatnamesinde ACIK ACIK yaziyor: Basketbol Federasyonunu kandiran takim lig dusurulur. Su an linki bulamiyorum, ama acik acik yaziyor bu. Eyyamci Federasyon ne yapiyor? Lig dusurmuyor, ama lig dusurmeye es deger bir ceza veriyor. Cemal Nalga'nin ...

So unimportant that is important

I seriously think humanities delusion of self-importance and arrogance will be its end. These two fantastic videos allow me to demonstrate my point. This video demonstrates the proportions of the Earth, the Sun, the Solar System, Milky Way, other galaxies, and the known Universe. I don't think any human language has a word capable describing how small our planet earth is (*). Seen from a cosmic scale, our little blue world is vanishingly insignificant. This is the first part of mans misplaced notion of self-importance. If our world were the only significant object in the Universe, humanity might have been justified in feeling important. After all, we would be the "owners" of the universe. But this is not the case, we are the inhabitants of an insignificant rock formation in the universe, which is unspeakably bigger in scale. However, it is precisely this spatial insignificance that makes this rock formation revolving around the sun so important. As far as we know, we are ...

Türkiye'de Irkcilik Yoktur Kisim V ve Kisim VI

Manisa'da kavga cikarip cam kiran kisiler Roman diye tüm Roman vatandaslarin camlari kirildi, araclarina saldirildi. kaynak: Radikal . Bu video'yu lutfen seyredin. Belediye baskaninin konusmasi kan dondurucu. Olaylar olmus bitmis, hala Roman'larla ilgili benim ilce halkim kendinden olmayana karsi degildir diyor. Roman'lari kendinden gormuyor. Inanilmaz diyorum, ama cok inanilir birsey ne yazik ki. Ilce halkinin ellerinde sopalarla yururken attiklari "Ya Allah Bismillah Allahu Ekber!" naralari da dusundurucu. Bu da ote yandaki iddalar. Kan dondurucu. Yahudi progromlari da boyle birseydi herhalde Nazi zamani Almanya'sinda. Mersin'de lise'de cikan bir kavga Kürt'ler Türk'leri dövüyor söylentisine neden oldu. 200 kisi meydanda kavga etti. kaynak: Radikal . Türkiye'de Irkcilik yoktur, Anadolu Hosgörünün vatanidir, degil mi?

3 Anthropology Facts that I love telling in a conversation

In Western Cultures future is associated with the forward direction. Past is associated with bacward direction. We leave the past "behind" and look "forward" for a better future. In some Andean cultures this is reversed. Future is unclear, we don't know it, we cannot see it. Just like our backs. Past on the other hand, is all known to us, we can analyze it, look it at every direction. Just like the wide view in front of us. A certain tribe in the Ocenia lives in a perpetual Wednesday. Their week is composed of today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after the day after tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before the day before yesterday. In other words, they are really living the moment, just like some "self help" gurus say. I ain't convinced, that I wanna live the moment... Finally, there are no curtains in Japan. The influential Japanese classical music composer Tōru Takemitsu was touched so much by the flickering of cu...